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Dreaming Again

Grimes and the Gaijin Daimyo the first A Bertram Chandler story to be published in 24 year is now available in the Anthology Dreaming Again edited by Jack Dann.

The Story

El Dorado is a planet with a problem, the men are infertile and the woman are getting out of hand. Its up to John Grimes to save them from deadly peril.


None in the Curtis edition, the Goldmann Edition is Für Admiral Lord Hornblower, Royal Navy

Published Editions

  • Curtis 07116, (US), 1971, 157pp, 75c
  • Hayakawa Shobô SF 165, (Japan), 1975, 263pp, 300 Yen {as ERU DORADO NO IKENIE}
  • Goldmann 23757-2, (Germany), 1983, 157pp, DM5.80 {translated into German by Denis Scheck, as GRIMES AUF EL DORADO}
  • Palm Digital (e-book) 81216-5, 2002, $5.95

To Prime The Pump

Curtis 07116

(In the Copy I have Chandler has written "I don't like this cover")

Published Editions (Cont.)

  • Wales (Czechoslovakia), 2004, 159pp, 119Kè, {translatated into Czech by P. Musiol as STUDNA DUŠÍ}
  • Baen Books (USA), 2007, e-book, $4.00, www.webscription.net
  • Baen Books, (US), March 2011, Paperback, $12.00
  • Baen Books, (US), March 2011, eBook, $6.00, www.webscription.net

Eru Dorado No Ikenie

Hayakawa Shobô SF 165

Cover by Naoyuki Kato

Grimes auf El Dorado

Goldmann 23757-2

Cover by Bob Petillo

John Grimes:Lieutenant of the Survey Service


Cover by Matt Stawicki

Studna Duší

Wales 80-86390-80-2

Cover by R.Cermák

To Prime the Pump

Baen Books SKU: 0207116075

La Route des Confins

Baen Books
ISBN 978-1-43913421-4

Cover by Stephen Hickman